When things don't go the way you hoped it would , when your heart is wanting things that you thought were meant to be, when you can't quite see His plan, when really all you can do is wait and try to get over the hurt, that's when Faith comes in. Faith means being sure of what you hope for and certain of what you do not see. Sure and Certain. Eve n when we. just. can't. see. Faith means we have to take steps of belief without having any more proof than His promises. We have to trust if it's God's way it's the right way. Even when it's dark. Even when we feel alone. Even when we're angry hurt or confused. Sometimes it seems that His way isn't working. Sometimes it seems that we need to step in, take over, do it our way because this is real life and scripture is nice but it doesn't always apply. But that is wrong. It Always Applies.