Five minute Friday...on a Tuesday! The last FMF of the year. {Head on over to Lisa Jo's place to join in}
This time of year, the Wonder of it all, the twinkling lights, everywhere all dressed up, songs and hymns playing.
I wonder. I wonder at the awesome-ness of it all. I think it's too easy to forget the magnitude of what we're celebrating.
I wonder if it's all gotten too far out of hand, (when in fact the holiday was created by a king, half mad, mandating a very pagan country to Christianity). I wonder if Jesus wants a birthday party at all. I wonder if we need to be taking a serious look at all we buy and at what we spend and maybe fill our homes less and a hungry bellies more. I wonder if celebrating Jesus is best done by walking around tense and busy and broke.
I wonder what it was like on that hill when those angels appeared, when they sang out in such excitement I wonder what those poor shepherds thought as they bent a knee to that baby, God made flesh. I wonder what the mama felt and stored up in her heart as she set out to raise the Messiah.
I wonder if we can change this season to be all about the least of these (not just as an aside as we walk past the Salvation Army bell-ringer). I wonder if we saved all year and spent so much on those who actually needed it. What if we gave the birthday Child what He actually asks for (because if we're generous to the poor, the hungry, the fatherless, the broken hearted aren't we giving to Him?)
I wonder what a December of only giving could look like...
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