Five Minute Friday (even though it's Saturday) where I'm joining Gypsy Mama and all the others writing for 5 minutes with a prompt not worrying if it's right....
When the seasons change....
When the seasons change, as flowers bloom, trees are becoming full and as the temperature rises I see God and the work of His hand. I see His renewing power.
When the seasons change I embrace my life, what has been given and what has not. As I think of the time there is for every purpose under heaven I thank God for this time. Right where I am is right where He has me and I can rest in that.
When the seasons change I'll move with them. I'll be renewed by the rhythm He has set. I'll be reminded of what is to come whether it is a frosty winter where the days are cold or beautiful colored spring where all is new again, I'll go through knowing it is all by His hand.
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Hello and Welcome. Just a note on comments. I leave them open but I ask that comments be respectful. To me, to God and to His word. I will remove anything that isn't.