Counting to find the bridge connecting me to the miracle. Give thanks and then there is always more than enough.
(Paraphrasing my little perpetual calendar filled with Ann's words, which are referencing the miracle of the loaves and fishes...and every other miracle because eucharisteo always precedes the miracle).
357. sweet questions at bedtime
358. good aunt to nephew talks
359. smiling brown eyes
360. bunnies playing in my yard, eating dandelion; really, what is cuter than this?!
361. Grace for another day
362. yawn from little boys boys who lean into me as I read
363. my 8 year old (finally) begging to read on his own
364. Romans
365. afternoon in the park with friends on the best spring day
366. my tall 8 year old bending low to spend time~lots of time~ with his friend's precious 2 year old sister and loving it!
367. watching this boy from across the park, my heart swelling, smiling
368. children big and small all playing together
369. living our lives without being all age segregated
370. watching boys hit the balls that their daddy pitches
371. breakfast dinners
372. spring evenings to play
373. Nathan being excited about his staying in bed all night progress (the ice cream rewards for days in a row staying put probably help :)
374. waking up to find the boys who let me sleep in on the couch, watching Curious George
375. TIME
376. light spring rains
377. shy boy not wanting me to know about the home run he hit...
378. ...and his little brother telling me anyway
379. Evan all dressed in black and white
380. Nate smiling as he watches his big brother get ready
381. goodbye kisses
382. being truly loved
Sharing my gifts with the community that inspired all this counting~
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