Five Minute Friday (even though I almost never get to it until Saturday). It's writing with a prompt for 5 minutes without edits and revisions.
When I first saw this prompt I thought I'd write about all the things that make home a good place to be but that's not what's coming now. is not this place. Not here. I was not created for this world. Neither were you. Sometimes it is so painfully obvious. Other times we forget and get so lost in trying to create that place we long for.
We try so hard to create a place of peace but that is because we are made in the image of the peace-maker. We search for beauty everywhere. We try to bring it in, surround ourselves, because the beauty for which we were created is etched into our hearts. We won't ever really find it though, this perfect peace and beauty that sustains, not this side of heaven.
So I'll remember this each time the children are at each other's throats, when the house is dirty and walls need painting and when it all feels just too hard. When it feels like there just has to be something better I'll remember that there is. And someday I'll look into my Father's eyes and He'll say....Welcome HOME.
I want to discuss what Sherry shared at The Well today, but my kids need me right that's where I'll be....
Melinda, thanks for stopping by and giving me the opportunity to stop by your own five minute Friday! I love what you wrote here. It is so true. I seem to find myself in those "hard" places a lot, and like you, I will remember that there is something better. Thanks for sharing.