"Isn't it all Grace, and if it is shouldn't I always have hands lifted in praise?"
431. time with family on a beautiful afternoon
432. perfect cannolis
433. cousins playing on the slip and slide
434. swimming with my brother (I really did miss him!)
435. using bad to remind us of the good we've been ignoring
436. remembering priorities
437. cowboy hats and boots~how much fun the boys are having with them
438. kids all dressed up and singing
439. another TEACH year!
440. lots of baseball.
441. dinner and milkshakes
442. a crazy weekend all held together
443. my husband taking care of dead car batteries, surprise baseball games and dinner
444. a movie on the couch
445. tag on the playground
446. hockey in the ally
447. bikes, scooters and tree climbing
448. boys proud of learning to sew
449. the incomplete to-do list, left that way and me smiling about it
450. daddy and his 8 year old with heads under the hood
451. dinner at the pool!
452. playing, laughing swimming~we all so needed this
453. empty vases filled
454. teaching my own
455. a nap sorely needed
456. loving arms there when I need them
457. church friends and a beautifully cool day
458. xrays being clear
459. baseball game for all ages
460. finally feeling well after weeks of not
461. seeing frustration in my 6 year old's eyes turn to understanding as he "gets" subtraction
462. watching him finish his math page with a smile on his face
463. my husband home by 3 putting dinner in the oven
464. cooking, grammar and star wars figures all in the kitchen
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