76. the tallest and the smallest boy wrestling, chasing, hugging and laughing
77. letters written to cousins by the boys who miss them
78. house full, everyone home together
79. strawberries and whipped cream
80. smiles that sneak into my bedroom too early for morning snuggles
81. hugs~all sizes
82. blueberries that pop open in hot pancakes
83. nights with friends, to get closer, to encourage
84. fun for my family at NJ uncle's house while I get to sleep soundly
85. another warm winter day
86. the big orange moon low on the horizon
87. seeing His face in the faces of sick and broken children
88. sleeping twitches of my five year old still sleep in his bed when I get home from work
89. Noah's big grin as I peek around the door to say good morning
90. sharing books, words and hugs before my daytime sleep
91, waking up with Eucharisteo on my mind
92. homemade soup with lots of help from little (and not so little) hands
93. clinking spoons in ice cream bowls
94. yet another beautiful blanket of white
95. my youngest sounding out words
96. what sunlight feels like after a day of dark
97. small arms around my neck
98. sun streaming through trees
99. walks in the glistening snow
100. spending the day just enjoying where we are
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