Remember. We are a people who can so easily forget. Our Maker knew this when He made His people and gave us His commands. We forgot in the Garden and we forgot in desert. We forgot in so many places and in so many ways. He said Remember. He greeted Moses as the "LORD God who brought them out of Egypt, out of the land of slavery". Just in case any of them may have forgotten their emancipation. They did forget. And so do we. We forget to treasure and give thanks. We forgot to honor and worship and that these very lives were given to us by Him. We forget. I know I forget the prayers I prayed early in the morning: prayers to honor God with this day, about 10 minutes after I say Amen when I'm frustrated with kids and do-to's. We're a people with amnesia. Our God reaches in and pulls us out of slavery and sin and disparity...and we forget. He knew we would. God set up many reminders for us. Right there in those 10 commands He says Remember: "reme...