465. the image of the invisible God
466. taking turns reading from Colossians
467. yummy cheeseburgers
468. tee-ball in the rain
469. forgiveness (again)
470. bedtime stories from older brothers
471. lots to do and getting most of it done
472. playing at the park until the lightning bugs come out
473. Laughing with my husband
474. wine and ice cream sandwiches
475. thunderstorms
476. scraped knees that feel all better
477. my sister's pain about her sons~knowing all is Grace
478. morning at the movies with all 3 boys
479. lots and lots of swimming
480. watching my oldest glide through the water~swimming so well
481. my youngest swimming a lap and a half~so proud
482. lots of chocolate cake
483. brothers and cousins all playing in the water
484. singing happy birthday to my sister in law
485. reading aloud Stewart Little between 2 boys in my bed
486. tucking in sleepy kids after a busy day
487. back scratches and good night prayers
488. Noah reading to Nathan~it's one of my very favorite things!
489. a grassy hill, beach towel and a book. Ahh~another favorite!!
490. fresh picked berries and sharing the morning with friends
491. ice cream, swimming and sharing the afternoon with family
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