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Naming gifts. Fighting dissatisfaction. Refusing to worry. Giving thanks.

113. antihistamines helping me get through the night
114. 3 way nerf gun battles
115. a brother in law with blessed fixing hands
116. cold cucumber slices

117. seeing fruits of hard work and smiling sisters, proud

118. really good sleep

119. another day
120. my just about 6 year old eagerly doing extra math

121. yet another day, time to try again

122. filly party favor bags with excited boys
123. powdered sugar all over
124. friends over for pancakes and waffles

125. smiling kids excited for party fun
126. getting over meltdowns (both mine and the littlest's) with hugs and smiles

128. Lego madness
129. determination of 6 (in one more day) year old in assembling 568 pieces
130. sitting in a quiet house after being busy all day

131. Nathan...and six years of holding, hugs, kisses and big smiles
132. family: sisters, brothers, cousins, talking and laughing

133. my eight year old wearing big smiles
134. snacks
135. morning cooperation
136. time with other mamas to study His word
137. catching spots early
138. oncologists
139. His steady hand in this friend's life

140. a place to ask questions
141. answers

142. loving our families, right where they are, even though we'd like them to not stay there
143. knowing when I feel helpless You are there keeping planets in orbit and the ocean where it belongs, for the reminder that You are in ALL things

144. birthdays, celebrating what the people I love mean to me

I'm asking for prayer for a friend's mother (Carol) newly diagnosed with breast cancer. And for another friend's family (mother, sister and grandmother) in desperately hard places. I'm praying for healing, better choices made, for GRACE, but above all else that these faces seek Yours.


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