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Showing posts from January, 2012

The Joy Dare: far

So we're almost halfway through the month and I've joined in Ann's Joy Dare : naming one thousand gifts in 2012. Three graces a day for a whole year. It's been, well, a joy. She gave prompts for each day in January. I've been smiling, laughing and loving this counting. My boys and I count in our red journals, their's all leather and tough, mine all pretty with cherry blossoms on each page. So here they are: more of the counting that never ends... 3 things about me I'm grateful for 1. My imperfect love of God and his reckless love for me 2. How I love to learn (although I'd rather never be in a classroom again) 3. how I love words and His Word a gift inside, a gift outside, a gift on a plate 4. bare trees outlined by blue 5. our pretty Christmas~tree all dressed up 6. perfect pumpkin pie under tall white whipped cream 3 lines overheard that were graces 7. "Mom, but I just love you" (my Nate) 8. "I can do everything better ...


Five minute Friday , writing for five minutes with a prompt. No revisions, editing or worrying if it's right. Today's: awake Go... Awake all night. I am every weekend. I work and take care of sick kids all night every weekend. I'm a nurse. I tend to be awake all night other nights too. Chalk that up to my body being confused....and my mind being full. Awake to now. I try to be. Awake. I want to be fully aware of all that is around me. It can be difficult though. How often I find myself NOT in the moment, thinking, dreaming, planning, being 2 steps ahead and then I miss right here. Awake to see. Who is it that is right there in front of me? Do I see that beautiful creature, one made in His image. Am I awake enough to see the need behind the grimace or the pain behind the attitude, awake enough to not just react but to act with purpose, even when I'm busy; with love, even when I'm hurt; and with kindness and when it's undeserved? Awake to possibilitie...